
The Varsity Drag (1927)


"Why should a Sheik learn how to speak Latin and Greek badly?
Give 'em a neat motto complete - say it with feet gladly!"

College kids may no longer be doing the Varsity Drag, but placing partying ahead of studying is still the golden rule of many a frosh, soph and Shiek. The show is Good News, and it came out in 1927. Penny Singleton is better known as Blondie in the motion picture versions of the Dagwood and Blondie comic strip, so it is interesting to see her here in playing Flo, the perky brunette of Tate College, rousing her fellow classmates into a sophisticated dance number. Singing parts were switched around to accomodate June Alison as the romantic lead, Connie, in the big MGM Technicolor version of Good News in 1947. Her singing partner is none other than Peter Lawford, way before his days as a Rat Packer and Kennedy-ite.

We've always thought
Knowledge was naught
We should be taught
To dance!

Right here in Tate
We're up-to-date
We teach a great, new dance!
Don't think that I brag, I speak of the drag!

Why should a Sheik learn how to speak
Latin and Greek badly?
Give 'em a neat motto complete
Say it with feet gladly!

First lesson right now
You'll love it and how you’ll love it

Here is the drag
See how it goes
Down on your heels
Up on your toes
That’s the way to do the Varsity Drag!

It's hotter than hot! Newer than new!
Meaner than mean! Bluer than blue!
Gets as much applause as waving the flag!

You can pass many a class
Whether you're dumb or wise
If you all answer the call
When your professor cries


Down on your heels! Up on your toes!
Stay after school, learn how it goes
Everybody do the varsity drag!

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