
Frim Fram Sauce (1945)


"I want the frim fram sauce with the ause and fay and some shafafa on the side."

There was something about 1940s that made songwriters come out with a host of songs with nonsensical lyrics: Mairsie Doats and Dosey Doats (1943) is one of the most enduring - it took me decades to figure that one out, if in fact I ever did. Frim Fram Sauce was a big hit for the great Nat King Cole, and numerous artists, feeling light-hearted, have covered it over the years (so to speak.) Diana Krall, in her tribute album to Nat Cole, brought the sauce's existence to a new generation of listeners. Sung right, this is be a pretty suggestive song: I think Diana's version is sexier than Nat's; she switches "fella" to "lady," of course. A fun article about what all these foodstuffs are can be found here.


I don't want french fried potatoes,
Red ripe tomatoes, I'm never satisfied.

I want the frim fram sauce
With the ause and fay
And shafafa on the side.

I don't want pork chops and bacon.
That won't awaken
My appetite inside.

I want the frim fram sauce
With the ause and fay
And shafafa on the side.

Well you know a fella
Really got to eat.
And a fella should eat right.
Five will get you ten.
I'm gonna feed myself right tonight.

I don't want fishcakes and rye bread.
You heard what I said.
Waiter please make mine fried.

I want the frim fram sauce
With the ause and fay
With shafafa on the side.

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